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Words on a Wall

Writer: Monica WaltonMonica Walton

The Book of Daniel is filled with creative stories and lively imagery. It was written to help strengthen the Jews, who at that time were struggling to remain uncompromising in their faith while observing the laws amidst unbelievers. Today's Reading from Chapter 5 includes a particularly vivid scene. Read the whole passage for the full treat. Daniel 5:1-28

Original Photo by Fardin Khan ~

Here is a little snippet:

"Suddenly, opposite the lampstand, the fingers of a human hand appeared, writing on the plaster of the wall in the king's palace. When the king saw the wrist and hand that wrote, his face blanched; his thoughts terrified him, his hip joints shook, and his knees knocked."

A hand appears writing words on the wall as a warning to the King that he is heading down a path of self-destruction. I think I would also be very afraid if that happened to me. But I'll admit that during critical turning points and times of major life-decisions, it sure would be great to see the answers to my questions scrolled on the wall.

Photo by Austin Chan ~

Oh, how I have wished for such a sign so many times in my life! If only it were that easy!

But alas, when I awake the next morning there are no words on my wall.

Have you ever asked God for a sign?


Sitting in the Chapel this morning, I did see words on a wall in shimmering gold letters.


The church decor presented the "writing on the wall" as clear direction for living. These three words provide a great plan for dealing with life's problems. Whatever the situation, respond in LOVE, PRAISE the Lord, and WORSHIP Him through all the ups and downs.


There are other words on other walls that provide clear direction to steer us from hazards:


Others guide us toward good things in our path:



I also found these fun examples of positive words on walls 😊

Photo by Ben Wilkins ~
Photo by Adam Jang ~


The Gospel for the First Sunday of Advent begins with these words of Jesus:

"Be watchful! Be alert!" (Mark 13:33-37)

Perhaps we would be more watchful and more alert if we knew the precise number of days we have remaining on Earth. So often, we postpone things waiting for a more ideal time or better circumstances. We postpone dreams and plans thinking there will be plenty of time to fulfill them later. If you are following along with my book, Advent Reflections for This Day*, you will read a story about what can happen when we live as though we have so much time ahead of us. This week, let us be intentional about how we live each day. We will begin with a spirit of gratitude and throughout the day, we will be watchful, alert, and more aware of God's presence in all circumstances. Let us ask the Lord to show us what needs more of our time and attention so that we may live in communion with His plan for our life.


Take some time to ask God what words He would write on your wall this Advent. Then, sit in silence and listen for those words.

Let us pray,
Heavenly Father, let my heart never be separated from You. May I be watchful and alert to the many ways You are present in my life. When I worry about tomorrow, then I don’t give today what it deserves. Help me trust in Your abundant Love and Mercy, so that I may put forth my best each day. Forgive my lack of faith, and help me appreciate the beauty and blessings You offer in all circumstances. Grant me the wisdom and grace to be aware of all that draws me closer to You, and what distracts and pulls me away from You. I ask this in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.

*There is still time to get your copy of Advent Reflections for This Day.



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Dec 08, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

Amen! Thanks Monica!!



Dec 03, 2023

Very helpful reflection as we begin a new Liturgical year, and enter the Advent season of preparation for welcoming the presence of Christ into my life in new and renewed ways. May God bless us all in this great journey of preparation.


LeighAnn Mangum
LeighAnn Mangum
Nov 30, 2023

Loved this! I so often find myself looking for the BIG signs from God, that I often miss the smaller, less intrusive signs. I have seen those same "writings on the wall" in the Chapel and have always dismissed them as décor. I will see them differently now! Thank you!

Monica Walton
Monica Walton
Nov 30, 2023
Replying to

It is amazing what we can see when we open ourselves to the signs God is giving us. Sometimes it's been right in front of us all along😍


Nov 30, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

So good, thank you


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© beginning 2023 by: Monica Walton

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