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We are here! Can you hear?

Writer: Monica WaltonMonica Walton

How is your Lenten experience going? We are halfway through our 40 days to Easter!

I hope you are leaning into your journey of self-discovery, reparation, and finding your true path! May the Lord continue the good work He is doing in your life and shine light in the darkness you encounter! Wherever "here" is for you, I pray that you hear God calling your name. Let's not wait until we get "there" (a better or more convenient place) to begin. Who knows where and when that might be?

As I settle into my new surroundings here in my new home, I am reflecting on the Chapters of Life. Some call such a major move a "new beginning." For me, I see it as a continuation of the story of my life. I have simply begun a New Chapter, not a restart of my life. I don't want to lose the experiences that brought me here and made me who I am. And the good news? There is more to come! He is still working out a plan for each and every one of us!

Every time we take a turn that wasn't designed by God, He makes a new plan to draw us back to the path He has laid out for us. He is still writing the Chapters of our Life.

I feel a bit like Peter, putting into the deep water and trusting God will bring an abundance in this Chapter. I feel a little like Mary, not sure what will happen next or how my story will unfold, but trusting He is with me and guiding me through it. May it be done according to His Word!

This Lent is unlike any other for me. As I anticipated in my previous post, Lean into Lent with Us, this is, for me, a more deeply reflective Lenten Season. I am the stranger, the newcomer, the unknown person at daily Mass and around town. For this period of quiet adjustment, I committed to fast from unnecessary noise -- and it is quite a sacrifice! I am not routinely turning on the TV, and I am not working with my usual background music. Normally, as long as I can remember, I have listened to music while I work, do chores, get dressed, and always in the car. Music usually fills the air around me and distracts my mind. This Lent I am embracing the quiet, and my mind has to engage in the challenging, introspective dialogue with the Lord. The dark places in our heart and soul can only be healed when they are brought into the light. That work happens best through Sacred Silence.

These long hours and days of silence that I am experiencing sometimes feel like I can hear time ticking. But I also hear the birds chirping outside my window. I hear the gentle breeze rustling leaves. Sometimes, I hear my own heartbeat. These are all reminders of the gifts God has provided to me. Silence makes it easier to bring to Him the prayers and persons and dilemmas and questions that arise in my thoughts throughout the day. I no longer plan to take it to Him later because there is no noise to turn off, no program to interrupt, and no video to finish first. It also means no worry of forgetting to return to Him with the prayers, persons, dilemmas, and questions that arose throughout the day.

It has made for a wonderful spiritual experience. I am calmer, even when things don't go the way I had hoped. Like when I dropped a dish and it shattered last week, like my unfruitful search for the box of kitchen utensils that are still missing (and are likely waiting in the tiny drawer in the kitchen of my previous home), or the numerous other pieces that didn't quite fall into place as I expected. The quiet unpacking of things I deemed important in my life is very deep water. I can more clearly hear His voice telling me what to cling to and what to release. Some things hurt to hold, and some things hurt to let go. May His will be done!

I now pass this interesting old tree on my daily walk. She is worn & knotted & bruised, but she is still standing! Just like me! She has strong roots and new growth springing forth and reaching up. Just like me! Some would say she is an eyesore, but to me, she is such a surprise, offering quiet encouragement & hope to all who pass by!

I was reading Pope Francis' writings on Hope for this Jubilee Year. He said we all have seeds of Hope inside us. Can you imagine if we all nurtured and watered those seeds in us so that we grow strong and firm in our purpose, weathering all the storms of life like this beautiful tree?!

Pray over Jeremiah 29:11

For I know well the plans I have in mind for you—oracle of the Lord—plans for your welfare and not for woe, so as to give you a future of hope.

God calls us to be people of Hope! Can you hear Him?

If today you hear His voice... Moses heard Him at a burning bush. Mary heard Him through an angel. The Samaritan woman heard Him at the well. Paul heard Him through a blinding light. The people of Nazareth heard Him at the synagogue. The prodigal son heard Him through his earthly father. The whole world heard Him at Jesus' Baptism & Transfiguration.

Here I am, Lord; I come to do Your will. ~ Psalm 40: 7-11

We can hear Him through Prayer, Scripture, the Sacraments, and Eucharistic Adoration.

Where and when do you hear His voice?

Wherever you are, you can hear Him. We must be intentional about turning off the noises that are not of Him. More time listening for His voice in Scripture and less time listening to mind-numbing, empty entertainment. More time seeking His opinion of ourselves and others and less time listening to the loud opinions of those who may or may not be listening to the Lord.

Let's lean into the second half of Lent with renewed inspiration and greater intention! Whatever commitments you made for almsgiving, fasting, and praying, do them with your whole heart! If you haven't yet begun, now is the perfect time to begin! Listen, God is cheering us on as we continue our desert journey with Jesus. May God bless us all as we strive to hear and answer His call. Here we are, Lord; we come to do Your will!

Know that I am praying daily for every one of you!

Thank you for leaning into Lent with me!

Be Blessed 💜


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Gwen Everhardt
2 days ago
별점 5점 중 5점을 주었습니다.

I love reading your column! So many wonderful insights! Thank you, Monica

Monica Walton
Monica Walton
14 hours ago
답글 상대:

Thank you so much, Gwen💜


Teresa Davis
4 days ago
별점 5점 중 5점을 주었습니다.

Thank you Monica for sharing your thoughts and commitments with us. Miss you. Love and blessings to you and yours.

Monica Walton
Monica Walton
4 days ago
답글 상대:

Miss you, too💜 Take care and God bless.


4 days ago
별점 5점 중 5점을 주었습니다.

Thank you so much for inspiring us with your God given talent. This is one of your best blog ever, so your new environment is working for you. We really miss your hear, reading this brings me closer to Our Lord and to you my dear friend. God bless you.

Monica Walton
Monica Walton
4 days ago
답글 상대:

Thank you so much! I am so happy this blog is a help on your Faith journey. Peace & Blessings 💜


Katherine Newell
4 days ago
별점 5점 중 5점을 주었습니다.

Your insight is amazing.

So encouraging.

We miss you.💖🙏

Monica Walton
Monica Walton
4 days ago
답글 상대:

Hey Katherine! Thank you so much! Miss you, too💜


4 days ago
별점 5점 중 5점을 주었습니다.

Hi friend! Beautiful reflection! We sure miss you but know God is doing amazing things on your journey! Love you! Karen G.

Monica Walton
Monica Walton
4 days ago
답글 상대:

Thanks so much, Karen💜 I miss you, too!


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